Came back from pasar malam just now and I saw one interesting thing. You can guess it by the way. Don't worry I'm not good at creating a good title with hidden meanings on it. It is what the title is somewhat suggesting (Drum roll) an old man with his porn. hahah.. Ok maybe that was a little too boring. How 'bout i spice things up. Considering your truly and my fellow coursemate is taking up songs and poetry. How about we sing. Most of you know the /this old man song/ right? This old man he play one, he play yada yada so and so. You know this song. You must have a very poor childhood if you don't have the song. Buy Beg Borrow Or Steal. Look for it. Cos you don't want to sing this without knowing the tune. ok. 1 2 3.
This old man,
He wants porn,
He walks to pasar malam,
With a big umbrella,
and a 10 ringgit,
This old men pick out a porn.
I wonder how that old man look when he is aroused. yuck. I feel like throwing up.
Still lust is an ageversal thing huh. I have an advise to the pak cik tua. Pak cik2, you are old. Stop watching porn. It is bad for your heart. Plus, you have parkinson and all sorts of diseases. How are you going to press the pause button and change the channel quickly when your wife/son/daughter/granddaughter/anyone who comes in. Imagine this, while the old man was watching it suddenly the car came. "oh my god! my daughter is coming. I totally forgot cos i have this stupid alzheimer. S@#$!!" The daughter came in and caught him wet handed( who came up with that). "Gasp! Apa!! ley mo kaw cho a!!" (sorry ban leng not good in chinese hahahaha) while covering the face of her son. "Damn!(i love this word) I was just wanted to change the channel and put on my shorts but my stupid parkinson kacau la."
P.s - Imagination is Disusting. To some extent.
darn it dom! i love u! wakakkakaka...this old man, he like porn...wakakakak
well, it will be better if u could choose this song for yr Song and Poetry assignment. I m sure ever1 like
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